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  • Get in touch. Our team is happy to assist you!

BAUMA Customer Service

> With such a wide range of options, it’s easy to lose track. Service and consultation are our top priorities. <

The employees at BAUMA are happy to assist you in selecting the right product and can provide you with a non-binding and customized offer upon request.

Take advantage of our free service, and we look forward to your call.

Opening hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm continuously; Fridays, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm.

Phone number: +49 8682 8985 0, or you can reach us by filling out our contact form.

Bauer Maßstabfabrik - Hersteller von Zollstöcken und Messwerkzeugen - Global denken, regional handeln - BAUMA Customer Service

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